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School Update - Exciting Developments Ahead!

Dear Freestyle Learning Center Partners,

Good morning! I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to provide you all with an update on some exciting developments regarding our school's relocation and preparations for the upcoming academic year.

After careful consideration and exploration, I am pleased to share that we have narrowed our options for a new location to two potential spaces. Both locations have expressed their enthusiasm to have Freestyle Learning Center as a joint user, and they have generously offered their facilities to us. The first option is a church with an attached school in Park Forest, while the second option is a school in Country Club Hills.

Furthermore, I am delighted to inform you that the negotiations for the joint user fee have been progressing in favor of FSL. I anticipate receiving the final confirmation of the negotiated terms early next week. This promising news reinforces our commitment to providing the best possible environment for our student's growth and learning.

In preparation for our move, we have already initiated the process of packing up our belongings at St. Pauls. If any of you are available and willing to lend a helping hand on Saturday, the 19th, it would be greatly appreciated. We plan to continue packing throughout the following week as needed. Our new space's anticipated move-in dates are Saturday the 26th or Sunday the 27th. Following the move, we will utilize the week of the 28th to set up and prepare our classrooms for the students' arrival.

I am excited to announce that we will organize an open house for parents before September 11th, although the specific date is yet to be determined. This will provide an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with the new premises and interact with our dedicated team. Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for further details.

As we gear up for the new academic year, I kindly remind you to complete the student registration process and submit the enrollment fees at your earliest convenience. The school supply lists are now available online under the parents' tab on our website to assist you. If you intend to utilize the curriculum we offer, I kindly request that all curriculum fees be settled by August 28th, allowing us to take advantage of the discounted group rates.

For students in grades 3rd through 5th, please note that laptops or Chromebooks with headphones will be required. This technology will significantly enhance their learning experience, and I appreciate your support in ensuring they are well-equipped.

Thank you for your continued partnership and trust in Freestyle Learning Center. Together, we are shaping a bright future for our students. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.

Best Regards,

LaTrece Thomas, M. Ed

Founder, Chief Academic Advisor

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